Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Make Awesome Facebook Profile Picture Using Profile Maker


Facebook with its 500+ million users has virtually become a World of its kind on internet. As in real world your looks are your identity, and so in the internet world your Facebook profile is your identity. Your facebook profile speaks a lot about you as a person, and so most definitely you would love to have it customized, particularly its looks.There are a lot of tools available online to do it, and one of them is Profile Maker Profile Maker application on Facebook. It is perhaps the best and most easy to use application to make your facebook profile into a creative artwork. In this article I am sharing step-by-step guide on “How to create facebook profile hack using Profile Maker“.Well its very easy to do so, just follow these simple steps :-

1. Go to Profile Maker application page [Link] , then login with your facebook credentials.

2. After logging in click on “Start Here” button.

3. Then upload your desired photo by clicking “Upload Photo” button.

4. After uploading image, design it according to your needs. You can “Zoom” and “Flip” your photo, by clicking the respective buttons.

5. You can also move the image upwards and downwards by using + and – buttons.

6. After designing appropriately, click on “Create Profile” button.

7. A small pop up box will ask you to share “Profile Maker” app on facebook, if you wish to share click on “Publish” button, otherwise click on “X” to continue.

8. Click on “Continue” button.

9. Then click on “Go to photo” button.

10. Then click on “Make this my profile picture” link, at the bottom of the page.

11. Well you are done with an awesome looking profile page.

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